Jesus Saves Modesto

Jesus saves…

Hell yeah, Brother.

Another gargantuan cross etched - or maybe constructively burned - into the ascending hillside still green enough to claim that I haven’t quite launched into the longer journey that it is to topple through and over that other hillside into the absolutely scorching central valley of California in late June, right where Altamont Pass Road hits I-580 outside of Livermore…

headed for Modesto.

It has always confounded me the potentially confused at best and more likely troubling mendacious ends people continue to use the name of Jesus. We so often confuse ourselves, but then again there’s so many minutes in the day to put to different uses.

Why not misuse the lord’s name and message once again?

Of course, another sign on a field doesn’t mean this wasn’t what this is.

But add a word to clarify it.

Unless you support taking away rights for people to live their lives, like real Americans who support JESUS.

Like evoking Jesus for war, or certain figureheads, or a right for a life and against a woman. I wonder what will happen when Jesus is evoked against men…but I don’t think that would ever happen.

Men would start wars to protect the internal retribution to the loss of control of women, the ultimate insecurity.

Maybe that’s how all wars start,

Or maybe most of them start because we just forgot to hit the reset button on sending all our food to McDonalds or in the trash instead of putting it on a ship to Africa after we’ve made ourselves sick off of it.

I found out today that we could reduce almost half of our current and projected greenhouse emissions if we just switched from feeding livestock to feeding ourselves with plant proteins, and could reduce our plant intake by half if we stopped throwing out unused food.


I hate when I let that spinach go bad in the fridge every week.

I should probably finally learn to actually cook too.



I’m almost 40, Brosef.

Whoever etched that extensively intricate cross and Jesus sign into that hillside must have been thinking about that.

That being multitudes of people who will see it as they pass the main transportation artery from the Bay Area into and out of the central valley.

Millions of people.

What are their expectations?

Or is that the wrong question?

Are they simply saying we should remember we are forgiven?

and to know that we all should feed the hungry, clothe the poor,

and treat our neighbor as ourselves?

I wonder if anyone I talked to today will actually vote who wouldn’t have if I didn’t talk to them.

Does community mean anything when we don’t know or care what our government actually does day-to-day?

How many people asked what Jesus thought about government?

Maybe it is more the original overall community of ekklesia before the word “church” overcame any deliberation as to who we choose to associate with and why,

and what we want to achieve together.

We are not alone, even if we’d like to be.

And Jesus doesn’t care about your taxes.

Jesus didn’t have any money to tax.

Maybe he saved through his disciple’s bootstraps.

Look up what he thought about taxes,

Then after that look at what he said about love and brotherhood.

Then maybe we won’t need huge ass hill signs anymore that say the exact same thing thousands of others have with worse results happening.


North Carolina - A Rambling


Rules For Drinking